2. Specifying input data#

This page explains how to create input data for Maud.

2.1. Overview#

Maud inputs are structured directories, somewhat inspired by the PEtab format. A Maud input directory must contain a toml file called config.toml which gives the input a name, configures how Maud will be run and tells Maud where to find the information it needs. It must also include a file containing a kinetic model definition, one specifying independent prior distributions, a file with information about the experimental setup and another one recording the results of measurements. Finally, the input folder can also optionally include extra files specifying non-independent priors and a file specifying initial parameter values for the MCMC sampler.

For some working examples of full inputs see here.

2.2. The configuration file#

The file config.toml must contain these top-level fields:

  • name String naming the input

  • kinetic_model_file Path to a toml file defining a kinetic model

  • priors_file Path to a toml file specifying priors

  • experiments_file Path to a toml file with information about experiments

  • likelihood Boolean representing whether to use information from measurements

The following optional fields can also be specified:

  • penalize_non_steady Boolean saying whether to penalize steady state deviations in the likelihood.

  • ode_solver_config Table of configuration options for Stan’s ode solver

  • algebra_solver_config Table of configuration options for Stan’s algebra solver

  • cmdstanpy_config Table of keyword arguments to the cmdstanpy method `CmdStanModel.sample

  • cmdstanpy_config_predict Table of overriding sample keyword argments for predictions

  • stanc_options Table of valid choices for CmdStanModel argument stanc_options

  • cpp_options Table of valid choices for [`CmdStanModel](https://cmdstanpy.readthedocs.io/en/v1.1.0/api.html#cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel) argument `cpp_options`

  • variational_options Arguments for the cmdstanpy method `CmdStanModel.variational

  • optimize_options Arguments for the cmdstanpy method `CmdStanModel.optimize

  • pathfinder_options Arguments for the cmdstanpy method `CmdStanModel.pathfinder

  • laplace_options Arguments for the cmdstanpy method `CmdStanModel.laplace_sample

  • user_inits_file path to a toml file of initial values

  • steady_state_threshold_abs absolute threshold for Sv=0 be at steady state

  • steady_state_threshold_rel relative threshold for Sv=0 be at steady state

  • steady_state_penalty_sigma standard deviation to penalize deviations from steady state in the likelihood

  • default_initial_concentration default initial concentration for unmeasured species

  • drain_small_conc_corrector number for correcting small conc drains

  • molecule_unit A unit for counting molecules, like ‘mol’ or ‘mmol’

  • volume_unit A unit for measuring volume, like ‘L’

  • energy_unit A unit for measuring energy, like ‘J’ or ‘kJ’

Here is an example configuration file:

.. code:: toml

name = "linear"
kinetic_model_file = "kinetic_model.toml"
priors_file = "priors.toml"
experiments_file = "experiments.toml"
likelihood = true
steady_state_threshold_abs = 1e-6

refresh = 1
iter_warmup = 200
iter_sampling = 200
chains = 4
save_warmup = true

abs_tol = 1e-4
rel_tol = 1e-4
max_num_steps = 1e6

abs_tol = 1e-4
rel_tol = 1e-4
max_num_steps = 1e6

This file tells Maud that a file representing a kinetic model can be found at the relative path kinetic_model.toml, and that priors and experimental information can be found at priors.toml, experiments.toml respectively.

The line likelihood = true tells Maud to take into account the measurements in experiments.toml: in other words, not to run in priors-only mode.

When Maud samples with this input, it will create 4 MCMC chains, each with 200 warmup and 200 sampling iterations, which will all be saved in the output csv files. the ODE solver will find steady states by simulating for 1000 seconds, with a step limit as well as absolute and relative tolerances.

2.3. The kinetic model file#

A Maud input should use exactly one kinetic model file, which is written in the toml markup language and pointed to by the kinetic_model field of the input’s config.toml file. This section explains how to write this kind of file.

If it doesn’t make sense, make sure to check the code that tells Maud what a kinetic model should look like.

2.3.1. name#

This top level field is a string describing the kinetic model.

2.3.2. compartment#

A table with the following obligatory fields:

  • id A string identifying the compartment without any underscore characters.

  • name A string describing the compartment

  • volume A float specifying the compartment’s volume

Here is an example compartment table:

compartment = [
  {id = 'c', name = 'cytosol', volume = 1},
  {id = 'e', name = 'external', volume = 1},

2.3.3. metabolite#

A table with the following obligatory fields:

  • id A string identifying the metabolite without any underscore characters.

  • name A string describing the metabolite

Here is an example metabolite table:

metabolite = [
  {id = "M1", name = "Metabolite number 1"},
  {id = "M2", name = "Metabolite number 2"},

2.3.4. metabolite_in_compartment#

A table that specifies which metabolites exist in which compartments, and whether they should be considered balanced or not. The fields in this table are as follows:

  • metabolite_id The id of an entry in the metabolite table

  • compartment_id The id of an entry in the compartment table

  • balanced A boolean

For a metabolite_in_compartment to be balanced means that its concentration does not change when the system is in a steady state. Often metabolites in the external compartment will be unbalanced.

Here is an example metabolite_in_compartment table:

metabolite_in_compartment = [
  {metabolite_id = "M1", compartment_id = "e", balanced = false},
  {metabolite_id = "M1", compartment_id = "c", balanced = true},
  {metabolite_id = "M2", compartment_id = "c", balanced = true},
  {metabolite_id = "M2", compartment_id = "e", balanced = false},

2.3.5. enzyme#

A table with the following obligatory fields:

  • id A string identifying the enzyme without any underscore characters.

  • name A string describing the enzyme

  • subunits An integer specifying how many subunits the enzyme has.

    enzyme = [
      {id = "r1", name = "r1ase", subunits = 1},
      {id = "r2", name = "r2ase", subunits = 1},
      {id = "r3", name = "r3ase", subunits = 1},

2.3.6. reaction#

A table with the following obligatory fields:

  • id A string identifying the reaction without any underscore characters.

  • name A string describing the reaction

  • mechanism A string specifying the reaction’s mechanism

  • stoichiometry A mapping representing the stoichiometric coefficient for each metabolite_in_compartment that the reaction creates or destroys.

In addition the following optional fields can be specified:

  • water_stoichiometry A float indicating the reaction’s water stoichiometry

  • transported_charge A float indicating the reaction’s transported charge. If not specified a default value of zero is used, indicating a non-transport reaction or a transport reaction that does not transport any charge.

Valid options for the mechanism field are:

  • reversible_michaelis_menten

  • irreversible_michaelis_menten

  • drain

Each key in the stoichiometry should identify an existing metabolite_in_compartment using a metabolite id and a compartment id, separated by an underscore.

Here is an example of an entry in a reaction table:

    id = "r1"
    name = "Reaction number 1"
    mechanism = "reversible_michaelis_menten"
    stoichiometry = { M1_e = -1, M1_c = 1}

2.3.7. enzyme_reaction#

A table indicating which enzymes catalyse which reactions, with the following fields:

  • enzyme_id The id of an entry in the enzyme table

  • reaction_id The id of an entry in the reaction table

Here is an example enzyme_reaction table:

    enzyme_reaction = [
      {enzyme_id = "r1", reaction_id = "r1"},
      {enzyme_id = "r2", reaction_id = "r2"},
      {enzyme_id = "r3", reaction_id = "r3"},

2.3.8. allostery#

An optional table with the following fields:

  • enzyme_id The id of an entry in the enzyme table

  • metabolite_id The id of an entry in the metabolite table

  • compartment_id The id of an entry in the compartment table

  • modification_type A string specifying the kind of modification

Valid options for the modification_type field are:

  • activation

  • inhibition

Here is an example of an entry in a allostery table:

    enzyme_id = "r1"
    metabolite_id = "M2"
    compartment_id = "c"
    modification_type = "activation"

2.3.9. competitive_inhibition#

An optional table with the following fields:

  • enzyme_id The id of an entry in the enzyme table

  • reaction_id The id of an entry in the reaction table

  • metabolite_id The id of an entry in the metabolite table

  • compartment_id The id of an entry in the compartment table

Here is an example of an entry in a allostery table:

enzyme_id = "r2"
reaction_id = "r2"
metabolite_id = "M1"
compartment_id = "c"

2.3.10. phosphorylation#

An optional table with the following fields:

  • enzyme_id The id of an entry in the enzyme table

  • modification_type A string specifying the kind of modification

Valid options for the modification_type field are:

  • activation

  • inhibition

Here is an example of an entry in a allostery table:

enzyme_id = "r1"
modification_type = "activation"

2.4. The experiments file#

This is a file written in toml, giving information about the input’s experiments, including qualitative information like whether an enzyme was knocked out, as well as quantitative information like temperature or the results of measurements.

This section describes this file’s fields.

2.4.1. experiment#

An obligatory table containing information that is specific to each of the input’s experiments. All information in an experiments file should belong to an experiment.

  • id A string identifying the experiment, without any underscores

  • is_train A boolean indicating whether to include the experiment in the training dataset

  • is_test A boolean indicating whether to include the experiment in the test dataset

  • temperature A float specifying the experiment’s temperature.

  • enzyme_knockouts: An optional table describing enzyme knockouts. Each entry has one field called “enzyme”.

  • pme_knockouts: An optional table describing knockouts of phosphorylation modifying enzymes. Each entry has one field called “pme”.

  • measurements: An optional table describing measurements

  • initial_state: An optional table describing the initial concentrations of balanced metabolites

The measurement table has these fields:

  • target_type A string specifying what kind of thing was measured: either “mic”, “flux” or “enzyme”.

  • metabolite A string identifying the metabolite that was measured, required if the target type is “mic”.

  • compartment A string identifying the compartment that was measured, required if the target type is “mic”.

  • enzyme A string identifying the enzyme that was measured, required if the target type is “enzyme”.

  • reaction A string identifying the reaction that was measured, required if the target type is “flux”.

  • value The measured value, as a float.

  • error_scale The measurement error, as a float.

error_scale is the standard deviation of a normal distribution for flux measurements or the scale parameter of a lognormal distribution for concentration measurements.

The initial_state table has these fields:

  • metabolite A string identifying the metabolite.

  • compartment A string identifying the compartment.

  • value The initial state, as a float.

A default initial concentration for all metabolites and experiments can be specified in the general configuration. In addition, this initial_state table can be specified for a more granular control of the initial vector of concentrations to solve the steady state ODE. This may be useful when the concentrations in the model span over several orders of magnitudes and thus a unique initial value is suboptimal.

2.5. The priors file#

This is a toml file for representing non-experimental quantitative information.

You can specify the following parameters:

  • dgf (can be negative, identified by metabolite)

  • km (non-negative, identified by metabolite, compartment, enzyme and reaction)

  • kcat (non-negative, identified by enzyme and reaction)

  • kcat_pme (non-negative, identified by phosphorylation modifying enzyme)

  • ki (non-negative, identified by metabolite, compartment, enzyme and reaction)

  • dissociation_constant (non-negative, identified by metabolite, compartment and enzyme)

  • transfer_constant (non-negative, identified by enzyme)

  • psi (non-negative, identified by metabolite, compartment, enzyme and reaction)

  • conc_unbalanced (non-negative, identified by metabolite, compartment and experiment)

  • drain (can be negative, identified by reaction and experiment)

  • conc_enzyme (non-negative, identified by enzyme and experiment)

  • conc_pme (non-negative, identified by phosphorylation modifying enzyme and experiment)

All priors are optional. If you do not specify a prior for a parameter, then Maud will use a default prior instead.

To specify an independent prior distribution for a parameter, create a top level table for it in your priors file, with each entry containing enough information to identify the target, as well as its prior distribution.

Independent prior distributions are log-normal for non-negative parameters or normal for possibly-negative ones. A distribution can be identified either by specifying its location and scale parameters (fields location and scale) or its 1% and 99% quantiles (fields pct1 and pct99). In addition, for non-negative parameters it is possible to use the field exploc to specify the expontial of the location parameter instead of directly setting the location, which is sometimes easier to interpret.

2.5.1. Multivariate priors for formation energy parameters#

For most model parameters, it is safe to model the pre-experimental information as independent. For example, knowing the value of one enzyme’s :math:kcat parameter does not significantly narrow down another enzyme’s :math:kcat parameter. Thus in this case, and most others, specifying each parameter’s marginal prior distribution is practically equivalent to specifying the full joint distribution.

However, the available information about formation energy parameters is typically not independent. In this case the available information is mostly derived from measurements of the equilibrium constants of chemical reactions. Knowing the formation energy of one metabolite is often highly informative as to the formation energy of another metabolite which produced or destroyed by the same measured chemical reaction. Metabolites with common chemical groups are also likely to have similar formation energies, introducing further non-independence.

In some cases this dependence is not practically important, and Maud will work well enough with independent priors as described above. For other cases, Maud allows non-independent prior information to be specified in the form of the mean vector and covariance matrix of a multivariate normal distribution. This information is specified using a different format, with fields ids, mean_vector and covariance_matrix, as below:

dgf = {
  ids = ["M1", "M2"],
  mean_vector = [-1, 2],
  covariance_matrix = [[1, 0], [0, 1]],

2.6. The initial parameter values file#

Initial parameter values can be entered in a toml file. This file should have a table for each parameter whose inits you would like to set, with identifiers specified in the same way as priors, and initial values specified using the subfield init. For example:

kcat = [
  {enzyme = "AHC1", reaction = "AHC", init = 234.284},
  {enzyme = "BHMT1", reaction = "BHMT", init = 13.7676},
  {enzyme = "CBS1", reaction = "CBS", init = 7.02307},
  {enzyme = "GNMT1", reaction = "GNMT", init = 10.5307},
  {enzyme = "MAT1", reaction = "METAT", init = 7.89577},
  {enzyme = "MAT3", reaction = "METAT", init = 19.9215},
  {enzyme = "METH-Gen", reaction = "METH", init = 1.15777},
  {enzyme = "MS1", reaction = "MS", init = 1.77471},
  {enzyme = "MTHFR1", reaction = "MTHFR", init = 3.1654},
  {enzyme = "PROT1", reaction = "PROT", init = 0.264744},

2.7. Fixing parameter values#

Sometimes it is useful to model a parameter as if its value were known exactly. For example, the formation energies of metabolites that are only involved in irreversible reactions are typically not identified by Maud’s statistical model. Fixing these unidentified parameters can improve computational performance without loss of any information. Another use might be to test whether a particular parameter value is feasible at all.

Maud currently supports fixing the values of dgf parameters. This can be done for independent parameter inputs by adding a fixed_value field to the relevant items as shown here:

dgf = [
  {location = -1, metabolite = "M1", scale = 0.05, fixed_value = -1},

If a multivariate input is used for dgf, fixed values can be specified using a separate table, like this:

ids = ["M1", "M2", "M3"]
mean_vector = [1, 2, 3]
covariance_matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 1], [3, 2, 1]]
M1 = -1