5. Contributing to Maud#

This page explains how you can contribute to Maud.

5.1. Reporting bugs and making feature requests#

If you find a bug in Maud or would like to request a new feature, consider adding to the issues list. Bugs should get the red bug label and features the turquoise enhancement label.

5.2. Contributing code changes#

If you want to add a new feature or fix a bug yourself, the first step is to clone the code. If you have ssh access to the Maud github repository <https://github.com/biosustain/Maud>_, you can clone it by running

git clone git@github.com:biosustain/Maud.git

Next, check out a new branch

git checkout -b descriptive_branch_name

When you are happy with your changes, commit them to your new branch and then push it to github

git commit -m "Short description of the changes I've made"
git push

Finally, use the online github interface to make a new pull request from your branch, complete with a longer description.

At least one approving review is required before a pull request can be merged. You can make your reviewers’ lives a lot easier by adding as much detailed commentary as possible, referring to existing issues where appropriate and keeping your pull requests small and logically distinct.

5.3. Running tests locally#

To run the tests locally, run the command


5.4. Releasing Maud#

To release a new version of Maud, edit the field version in the file pyproject.toml, then make a pull request with this change.

Once the changes are merged into the origin/master branch, add a tag with the new version number prefixed by “v”, e.g. v0.2.1. You can do this using the github ui, or from the command line like this:

git tag v0.2.1
git push origin "v0.2.1"

Now go to Maud’s releases page and click “draft a new release”. Choose your tag from the menu, then add a description and click “publish release”.